a blog which tells about my personal experience

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

father taught me many things

Diposting oleh Andi Batari Nurul Qalby di 17.17.00
I loved myFather more than anythin. he's myHero. he always protecting me. affection that he gave me not only words but always with deeds :') i'm proud..

story about July, 10 2011

Diposting oleh Andi Batari Nurul Qalby di 16.44.00
Yap. Everyone'll come back to God
Setelah 3 hari koma, Minggu Pkl 6.55 pagi Papaku diambil oleh Sang Khalik :'(
Rest In Piece Dad. I hope u get the best place in Heaven. MUCH LOVE, PAPAH x(
God always be with you, and be with us too :')

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